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dumb rule lot of moolah

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Author dumb rule lot of moolah
White Belt
White Belt

Joined: 08 Apr 2008
Posts: 35

Post: #1   PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:02 am    Post subject: dumb rule lot of moolah Reply with quote

with no heart aches and easy life see how much this dumb rule could have got u Shocked AEOM
Chirag wrote this.
For all those people (count me too), who are using multiple strategies and make the chart complicated, then they got confused which one is more proper and which one is not. Just keep it simple and wait for the prices to trade as per your set up. if there is nothing suits your trading plan just sit calmly, because you know when there is chance to trade as per your plan you will make handsome profit. Do not run between one indicator to another to find which indicator shows what. I know a group of traders, one of them use only bollinger bands, one use only donchian channel, you will wonder knowing that they dont have any charting software they have create some formulas in excel sheet that shows same values as out put as that software does.
they just stick to there formula and they come to the trading room with a paper on which they used to mention prices for trading above what price they will buy and what could be their stop loss. they never trade without stoploss and until and unless their stop loss do not get triggred they dont square up . total opposite to short sell trade also. i have seen them minted unexpected money playing futures, They never square up their trade at market price, they exit by stop loss only. one of them use only 55 days simple moving avg (high,low close,) until and unless a price do not close above 55 days sma high and next day do not go below close avg then he will initiate a buy and stop loss is low sma of 55 days. for short sell he will wait to close below 55 days low sma . next day if price could not cross close sma of 55 days he will initiate a sell , but if this set up is not there then he will wait to happen that , otherwise he will sit calmly in the trading room, what others are doing, none of his business. He simply apply this method and he always say that if my set up works then all your indicators will turn in my set up side and if my set up is not initiated then what ever you do, will not find a meaningful gap to trade and to earn handsome profits. The most important he tracks only FIVE scripts and NIFTY FUT and living his life so sophisticated. i know him since last four years , normally he earns good money to live and to maintain good and meaningful life style. no charting software, not any indicators Just one 55 days sma in excel sheet had changed his life. i learnt from him this formula and telling you all in support of Mr. Veerappn's views.

so whatever written buy Mr.Veerappan in green ink just get the print out of the same and stick it on the wall of yr trading room like from any angle you can read it constantly, then you have chance to earn good money from this markets.

hope every serious trader who want to earn his/her bread butter and good lifestyle from the markets should take Mr.Veerappan's views written in green ink MOST SERIOUSLY.

Chirag B. Vyas

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White Belt
White Belt

Joined: 12 Aug 2009
Posts: 29

Post: #2   PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:11 pm    Post subject: why copying again............. Reply with quote

@ sathya999

already chirag had started a thread on this topic......

what r u doing here by copying the same thing again and starting a new thread...................

pls dont spam.....

it might be difficult for new comers and those who r learning, to find an appropriate thing while there was lots & lots of unwanted replies and posts.......

i am not blaming u friend ........pls understand Smile
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White Belt
White Belt

Joined: 08 Apr 2008
Posts: 35

Post: #3   PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ya, good thought. there are unrelated comments also there.so i pasted it here, and i also wrote chirags name on it.
i thought something good has become dormant. i didnt know the thread was active
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