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icharts superheros analyst combo views on Nifty Banknifty

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Author icharts superheros analyst combo views on Nifty Banknifty
White Belt
White Belt

Joined: 12 Jun 2014
Posts: 297

Post: #1   PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:40 am    Post subject: icharts superheros analyst combo views on Nifty Banknifty Reply with quote

Hi all,

Just was getting with so many levels from all people and was not able to remember, so made a sheet with the charts to predict the levels of current nifty levels Vis-a Vis projected targets.

Fill the current of Nifty and keep updating the targets- sell below buy above. and chart will show you the visual progress, sell below and buy above levels combined targets, stops of all the analysts.

this just the WIP file.

your comments are invited. to make the further improvements. I just made it 3 - 4 days back.


icharts superheros analyst combo views on Nifty Banknifty_v1.xlsx

 Filename:  icharts superheros analyst combo views on Nifty Banknifty_v1.xlsx
 Filesize:  21.62 KB
 Downloaded:  690 Time(s)

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Green Belt
Green Belt

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Post: #2   PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Ruchirgupta2000,

Thanks for the great job done. I would appreciate if you could clarify the following.

1. Actual market close row is blank. Why is it so?
2. Current row 78 figure is given. What exactly it is?

a. Where do we have to fill up the actual market closing price?

b. Some analysts project the Nifty spot while some others give the Nifty Future. Do we have to fill the actual closing price of Nifty Future or Spot?

Thanks again for your wonderful work.

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White Belt
White Belt

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Post: #3   PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Mogli thanks for the appriciation and kind words. I answered the point wise.

1. Actual market close row is blank. Why is it so?

Answer - I was thinking either to delete that row or present it with few other key numbers in a seperate table, so left it blank and I am also looking for few more rows to add that can enhance the analysis. Also, if by mistake I have left out sm1 who regularly gives the levels please tell me.

2. Current row 78 figure is given. What exactly it is?

Answer - It is the current price of Nifty, Just for testing purpose I kept it so low. as You can see being so low says that all the sell calls must have achieved the targets the colour of those cells will turn pink. If you update the current market and if is above the "buy above" levels those cells will start changing colour to pink. However, if suppose nifty achieves one target one target on the buy side and you updated the current price of nifty, it will update the buy targets as pink but when Nifty reverses and then hits the sell targets the sell targets will become pink and buy target cells will come to the normal green colour, because you have updated the nifty values. I am thinking on what solution should I seek for this as the Buy Above for all the analysts will now be invalid so may be they should be deleted and wait for the fresh levels from that analyst.

a. Where do we have to fill up the actual market closing price?

Answer - it is Cell Number P19

b. Some analysts project the Nifty spot while some others give the Nifty Future. Do we have to fill the actual closing price of Nifty Future or Spot?

Answer- I have only taken spot prices. Someone who trades futures can just update the future prices the chart will be same and every thing else willl be same. I see that most of superheros update the surly spot, so I took it.

I have attached a new cleaner formatted version, much easier to interpret.


icharts superheros analyst combo views on Nifty Banknifty_v2.xlsx

 Filename:  icharts superheros analyst combo views on Nifty Banknifty_v2.xlsx
 Filesize:  23.51 KB
 Downloaded:  742 Time(s)

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White Belt
White Belt

Joined: 12 Jun 2014
Posts: 297

Post: #4   PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If any of the traders can keep updating the template and reloading during the market hours as and when any new levels are updated that may be time saving for rest others.
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White Belt
White Belt

Joined: 29 Jun 2009
Posts: 46

Post: #5   PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Ruchirgupta2000

Kindly let me know how to upload these files to excel.
I'm finding it diffucult to do so.
your help needed, if you write it step by step


Ruchirgupta2000 wrote:
Hi Mogli thanks for the appriciation and kind words. I answered the point wise.

1. Actual market close row is blank. Why is it so?

Answer - I was thinking either to delete that row or present it with few other key numbers in a seperate table, so left it blank and I am also looking for few more rows to add that can enhance the analysis. Also, if by mistake I have left out sm1 who regularly gives the levels please tell me.

2. Current row 78 figure is given. What exactly it is?

Answer - It is the current price of Nifty, Just for testing purpose I kept it so low. as You can see being so low says that all the sell calls must have achieved the targets the colour of those cells will turn pink. If you update the current market and if is above the "buy above" levels those cells will start changing colour to pink. However, if suppose nifty achieves one target one target on the buy side and you updated the current price of nifty, it will update the buy targets as pink but when Nifty reverses and then hits the sell targets the sell targets will become pink and buy target cells will come to the normal green colour, because you have updated the nifty values. I am thinking on what solution should I seek for this as the Buy Above for all the analysts will now be invalid so may be they should be deleted and wait for the fresh levels from that analyst.

a. Where do we have to fill up the actual market closing price?

Answer - it is Cell Number P19

b. Some analysts project the Nifty spot while some others give the Nifty Future. Do we have to fill the actual closing price of Nifty Future or Spot?

Answer- I have only taken spot prices. Someone who trades futures can just update the future prices the chart will be same and every thing else willl be same. I see that most of superheros update the surly spot, so I took it.

I have attached a new cleaner formatted version, much easier to interpret.

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White Belt
White Belt

Joined: 12 Jun 2014
Posts: 297

Post: #6   PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote="arnav2007"]Dear Ruchirgupta2000

Kindly let me know how to upload these files to excel.
I'm finding it diffucult to do so.
your help needed, if you write it step by step


Hi Arnav,

1. As you click "reply post" you get a window to type the msg.
2. When you scroll down you will find "Add an Attachment" tab.
3. under this tab there will be "Choose file" button
4. once you press this a window for location will open..
5. then you have to go to the folder where you have kept the excel
6. Selct the excel
7. press Open in that window.
8. then come to "Choose File" again (Add an Attachment) below your typing tab.
9. Below you will find "Submit" button
10. you are done.

let me know if you come accross any problem.
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