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miracle of bollinger bands
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Author miracle of bollinger bands
White Belt
White Belt

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Post: #91   PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:01 pm    Post subject: Column G calculation - No formula given Reply with quote


Hi Chirag,
I understood how to calculate column D, E, F as you have given formula for that. But from this whole Post, I did not understand how to calculate Column G? So that I can refer the lowest value.

One more question like, can this Band apply to Nifty future-1M or we have to apply this band only to spot (Nifty cash)?

chiragbvyas wrote:
chetan83 wrote:
chiragbvyas wrote:
adwani1984 wrote:
Dear Chiragbhai,

i read ur all posts but not understanding properly

so if u can elaborate i will b thanful to u.


see the column "g" if u find the smallest number there than it means band has tighten and a big move either side is possible. u can decide it by watching that row's high low and close value in columns a b c acting as supp or resi.

do trade accordingly

if smallest value is not there then look at columns D E F G if two rows number are similar or nearest in comparision with previous rows than note down that values

se next day if they are acting as supp or resi

and trade accordingly

hope now u can better understand


Hi Chirag,

I have taken data since 03/01/11 of HDIL EQ, just want to know, how to interpret the value for taking trade (Long or short), pls share the Line where Long would have been taken and also short was the correct approach.

I am finding difficulty in -

a) Knowing the lowest no. in column "G", as this data and further fall or increase. How to calculate that?
b) BB middle line, BB UL and BB LL can keep changing and at times they can be very near (column 349), so based upon that if we would have waited for column 350, price closed abv the BB UL. So, nxt day we would have taken a long entry........with SL as (...?) and where we would have taken our profit or TSL....please enlighten us here.


Dear chetan,

u have spotted the smallest value so note down values those are in column a b c u may go long with stop of 61.50 (closing base)

line no. 355 356 also suggest buy with stop of 62.14 now to book profit wait up to stop is taken or at higher price level u see the columns D E F G are similar or inearest then book profits and even you can open shorts at the same time

is it clear ?
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Brown Belt
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Post: #92   PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Chirag

Very confusing. Couldn't get anything beyond calculation of D, E, F, G columns. Actually you took the example first but you didn't explain the methodology. What for we are looking. I read whole post 3 times but ...

Please first explain the methodology in simple terms (step by step) and then please explain with the example of nifty spot. Please explain for a layman and not as for an expert.

Why we are taking such a long span of period. Can't we take just last 30-40 trading days data.

I hope that you will be kind enough to comply with my above request.

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White Belt
White Belt

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Post: #93   PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:17 pm    Post subject: Re: Column G calculation - No formula given Reply with quote

dharmeshtr wrote:

Hi Chirag,
I understood how to calculate column D, E, F as you have given formula for that. But from this whole Post, I did not understand how to calculate Column G? So that I can refer the lowest value.

One more question like, can this Band apply to Nifty future-1M or we have to apply this band only to spot (Nifty cash)?

chiragbvyas wrote:
chetan83 wrote:
chiragbvyas wrote:
adwani1984 wrote:
Dear Chiragbhai,

i read ur all posts but not understanding properly

so if u can elaborate i will b thanful to u.


see the column "g" if u find the smallest number there than it means band has tighten and a big move either side is possible. u can decide it by watching that row's high low and close value in columns a b c acting as supp or resi.

do trade accordingly

if smallest value is not there then look at columns D E F G if two rows number are similar or nearest in comparision with previous rows than note down that values

se next day if they are acting as supp or resi

and trade accordingly

hope now u can better understand


Hi Chirag,

I have taken data since 03/01/11 of HDIL EQ, just want to know, how to interpret the value for taking trade (Long or short), pls share the Line where Long would have been taken and also short was the correct approach.

I am finding difficulty in -

a) Knowing the lowest no. in column "G", as this data and further fall or increase. How to calculate that?
b) BB middle line, BB UL and BB LL can keep changing and at times they can be very near (column 349), so based upon that if we would have waited for column 350, price closed abv the BB UL. So, nxt day we would have taken a long entry........with SL as (...?) and where we would have taken our profit or TSL....please enlighten us here.


Dear chetan,

u have spotted the smallest value so note down values those are in column a b c u may go long with stop of 61.50 (closing base)

line no. 355 356 also suggest buy with stop of 62.14 now to book profit wait up to stop is taken or at higher price level u see the columns D E F G are similar or inearest then book profits and even you can open shorts at the same time

is it clear ?

it can be apply to all the fut scripts
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White Belt
White Belt

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Post: #94   PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

saumya12 wrote:
Hi Chirag

Very confusing. Couldn't get anything beyond calculation of D, E, F, G columns. Actually you took the example first but you didn't explain the methodology. What for we are looking. I read whole post 3 times but ...

Please first explain the methodology in simple terms (step by step) and then please explain with the example of nifty spot. Please explain for a layman and not as for an expert.

Why we are taking such a long span of period. Can't we take just last 30-40 trading days data.

I hope that you will be kind enough to comply with my above request.


Dear saumya,

pls read this thread from first page to last page, you will get all the answers.
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White Belt
White Belt

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Post: #95   PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:32 pm    Post subject: bb Reply with quote

chirag- based on friday values of NF as per ur xls-what shuld have been the trade set up

thkns regards
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Brown Belt
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Post: #96   PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

follow this if still believing in miracles to happen,come out of ur dream world and start accepting facts
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White Belt
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Post: #97   PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Chirag,

Why don't you give a few real-time calls and let's see how it goes! Attach a worksheet for the calls you give. While giving the calls, explain your methodology behind those calls. Also, you can add the date column to the right of your column 'G' in the spreadsheet so that it will be easier to look at the values on the daily chart. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to locate the candle on the daily chart by its row number on the spreadsheet. Whether the calls click or not, if you start giving real-time calls, then only the interest of the members will be sustained and more and more people will participate in the thread and some of the more knowledgeable seniors will provide their inputs and your method might get fine-tuned. If the calls don't click, not only the members of the forum, but you will also drop the idea.
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Brown Belt
Brown Belt

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Post: #98   PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

chiragbvyas wrote:

Dear saumya,

pls read this thread from first page to last page, you will get all the answers.

Hi Chirag

I had already read the whole thread 3 times but could not get to the methodology. Can you please explain in simple terms.

OR any reader of this thread, please explain the methodology or whatever you understood.

How about you Milan, Can you explain.
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White Belt
White Belt

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Post: #99   PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Chirag, attached is the ICICI excel with some highligheted observations. can you plz expain a bit. ( i am a non techie so will appreciated if in lehman way )....... Thanks and regards


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White Belt
White Belt

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Post: #100   PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Plz explain row 328, 329, 330, 331, 332 all back to back. Brain converted to curd. vanish dimag ka dahi ho gaya.... RGDS


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White Belt
White Belt

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Post: #101   PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Chiragbhai,

In the xl sheet given by you,if we enter high low n close at the end of the

day in column A B C how we will get values of D E F.Please explain


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White Belt
White Belt

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Post: #102   PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Chiragbhai,

please give us tomorrow's nifty D E F values


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White Belt
White Belt

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Post: #103   PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:36 pm    Post subject: hi Reply with quote


I think chirag has clearly explained the set up.
there are examples of yes bank and nifty
just like that when ever you get signals trade accordingly as it is eod data based method, i think he should post every evening the script list where he found the break out.

let us see what he do on this .

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White Belt
White Belt

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Post: #104   PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

maooliservice wrote:
Dear Chiragbhai,

In the xl sheet given by you,if we enter high low n close at the end of the

day in column A B C how we will get values of D E F.Please explain



Dear Mohan

after entering data in A B C put yr cursor to E of the above row then press shift key and right arrow key up to G column. so D E F G are selected now double the cell in g column from right hand side down corner ( the colour of the plus sigh will be changed then double click)
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White Belt
White Belt

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Post: #105   PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rohit44 wrote:
Plz explain row 328, 329, 330, 331, 332 all back to back. Brain converted to curd. vanish dimag ka dahi ho gaya.... RGDS

Dear Rohit,

Let me convert your brain from curd to butter.

Break out is at 331 332 as high low close are most nearest and lowest value 31.71 is also at line no.333 means double confirmation of trend change, next day row no.334 it opened gap down and gone down up to 768.35 then we get signal to cover short or go long at line no. 348 349 also 347 is lowest value row so like that play this set up.

correct ?

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