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Black Belt
Black Belt

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Post: #151   PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

true ajay and the european rascals are only, as they say, kicking the can down the road".

RK - there is share on BSE which went up by 75% in less 15 days. The reason? loss for this Q was less than the last one and hence +ve growth in EPS. BUT, the revenue (turnover) is ZERO for a few years. Laughing
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Yellow Belt
Yellow Belt

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Post: #152   PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As the market heats up , such things will happen . Scams /manipulations will surface.....bubbling up for trouble , are we?
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Black Belt
Black Belt

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Post: #153   PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now a day’s we are hearing about Orderly Default….have you heard of any description like…. Orderly Death…..certainly not…..because death is sudden…..A default is like a death ....there can not be an orderly default…..it’s just a juggling of words…just to create a feeling ….ALL IS WELL

Then why all these nonsensical phrases coming up…. this is called creating mass opinion…..at any point of time people should not feel that…..this system is a trash let us throw it to the dust bin and build a new rational one……if that situation comes… that will be the biggest threat to the market economy …..just to avoid that and to postpone the inevitable as long as possible… all these gimmicks.
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Black Belt
Black Belt

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Post: #154   PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We have witnessed the bear market rally and also understood how fierce it could be. Look at the Europe, USA and other developed countries .It is not that they are facing crisis and not coming out of it intentionally… they are helpless. The system in place worldwide is having the inherent character of weakness. It is not moving on a scientific production system. It only knows supply and demand game which shall lead you to an inevitable crisis due to the simple reason that it is not need and supply which is governing the production system. This could be altogether a different discussion may not be really relevant for us but one need to understand that the crisis creation and crisis management is intrinsic and inseparable part of the existing social system.

First and second world wars paved way for coming out of the great depression. The million dollar question is are we getting in to another great depression. We have to accept that the think tank of this system learned a lot of lessons from the past. Acting fast and agile and launching coordinated moves still…….why they are not able to give any confidence to the world that this crisis is manageable…..or is it not possible for them to come out of crisis without a world war like situation?

Look at our MOF projections now they confirmed the deceleration in GDP. Consider these… Direct taxes collection far below expectations….Disinvestment not at all near the target….Food security bill demanding thousands of crores …Fiscal deficit widening guaranteed to a dangerous level….Institutions cannot be happy with this situation .Only growth story cannot keep the money( Then where should all the money flow... either to gold silver or……. to air). Looking at the fundamentals worldwide we may say at least for this time it was a bear market rally. ….So get prepared for the reversal at any time ……By saying this ….No way I was indicating that this is the end of the rally….That Job is left to TA Geeks…But remember sometimes bear market rallies could be so fierce that everyone will be forced to believe that it was a bull market…… 24 24 24
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Yellow Belt
Yellow Belt

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Post: #155   PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But remember sometimes bear market rallies could be so fierce that everyone will be forced to believe that it was a bull market

Bingo ! RK ....
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Yellow Belt
Yellow Belt

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Post: #156   PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The greatest transfer of wealth is about to take place :

Why natural resources and why now? It's simple. Unknown to most investors is a hidden threat that is likely to destroy what little bit of money you've managed to pull together for retirement. That threat is none other than the Federal Reserve and their ill-conceived and financially destructive monetary policies.

The simple truth is that since the inception of the Federal Reserve, the purchasing power of the dollar has rapidly declined by as much as 94%.

In fact, legendary investor Jim Rogers says the Federal Reserve is the most dangerous threat to the world economy's well-being. In a recent Bloomberg interview, Rogers says, "The Fed doesn't have a clue about markets or economics. They are dangerous people. Printing money is not good for the world and will lead to more problems for the world."

In another interview,Rogers has even gone on record as saying, "What the Federal Reserve is doing now is ruining an entire class of investors."

Rogers is right. The Fed is destroying your wealth. You can't sit around and wait for a recovery to kick in. The long-awaited recovery the US government wants its citizens to believe is right around the corner isn't going to happen.

Financial expert Peter Schiff says, "The way it is now (a recovery) is going to take forever and it's going to get worse and worse."

That's why you must take action NOW to protect what precious dollars you have left... and one of the best places to put your money is in natural resources.

You see, as the Fed works to destroy the value of the dollar, commodity and natural resource prices rise. Some economists say the dollar weakness has contributed upward of 50% to price inflation on key consumer goods such as rice, grain, wheat and oil.

As the dollar weakens, inflation kicks in. Steven Englander, head of G10 Strategy at Citigroup in New York, says global inflation accelerates when the dollar is weak, and what you observe is global inflationary pressures tend to become much more acute when you have a weak dollar driving commodity prices.

There's no doubt the dollar will continue to decline. That means natural resources will continue to soar. And that's why knowing exactly how to invest in natural resources is critical to your wealth.

Focus on natural resources that are poised to explode in value... and which to avoid. It will be like having a retirement blueprint.
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Black Belt
Black Belt

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Post: #157   PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Farm lands, water wells, fruit gardens, cattle / sheep farms.......what else can we have?...Real estate ,Gold,Silver.... any more Ideas?
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Black Belt
Black Belt

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Post: #158   PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh! Sorry! Forgot....Guns
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Yellow Belt
Yellow Belt

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Post: #159   PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Laughing Laughing 24
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Black Belt
Black Belt

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Post: #160   PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

first day of the year closed +ve and so did first week. and now first month will surely too. so far so good. Smile
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Black Belt
Black Belt

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Post: #161   PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's the brutal power of liquidity Vinay....Enjoy for the time being.
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Black Belt
Black Belt

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Post: #162   PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

In US even though Market is going up Volumes are thin. In fact they are diminishing. So many retail brokerage houses are forced to close the shutters for the same reason.Freely printed US $ and Euros flowing all over the world causing floods in all markets including equity markets in India.

Even in US markets are going up just because of the free money issued to Institutions by FED at almost 0 % interest rates ( It is 0.10% interest) If someone lend you the huge money at that rate will you hesitate to pump and dump….Very easy job .You don’t need much intelligence for doing that provided you have that much money power.

The markets are defying all economic laws…It’s not possible for a long time….At any time bubble may burst( Just Minus the free money issued to institutions....Then nothing other than collapse....This can not continue for a long time). Till that time ride the profits in Longs.
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Black Belt
Black Belt

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Post: #163   PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rka2003: Remember the Chinese parable about emperor's clothes. The irony is, China will expose USA's and Europe's emperor clothes by switching its (non US and Europe) trades to bilateral yuan <> local currency AND using up USD and Euro reserves in buying factories/ ports/ mines/ estates . India will hold on till its too late and then we will hear wailing and sobbing from Empress (Sonabai) and Court Jester (MMSbhai) Till then, as you say, enjoyyyy the longs. Regards, Prakash Holla
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Yellow Belt
Yellow Belt

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Post: #164   PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Friends ... I think it is quite clear from this thread and my blog and comments from rk/vinay/pkholla/others that first thing to do is to understand and 'paint' the BIG PICTURE and then use TA as a supporting tool.
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Brown Belt
Brown Belt

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Post: #165   PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

vinay28 wrote:
first day of the year closed +ve and so did first week. and now first month will surely too. so far so good. Smile

hope this year 2012 closes positive too Laughing
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